Steel Club Workout for Beginners: Building Strength and Stability

Are you ready to kickstart your fitness journey and build strength and stability? Look no further than the Steel Club Workout – Beginner Basics. This 17-minute workout is designed to challenge your muscles, enhance your endurance, and improve your overall fitness level. In this article, we’ll break down the workout step by step, so you can get started on your path to a healthier you.

The Basics of the Steel Club Workout

Duration: The workout consists of four exercises, each lasting 50 seconds, with a brief 10-second rest in between.
Total Time: Completing one set on each side (right and left) takes 8 minutes, and after a 60-second rest, you’ll do a second set for a total workout time of approximately 17 minutes.

Exercise 1: Arm Cast

Begin with the “arm cast” exercise. Here’s how to do it:
– Tuck your elbow in, creating a 90-degree angle at the elbow.
– Keep your shoulder down and the club’s muzzle pointing to the sky.
– Maintain a close alignment between your elbow and ear.
– Engage your abs and activate your glutes.
– Pull the club down from the lap, bending your elbow.
– Return to the starting position and repeat.

Remember, this exercise targets your upper body, specifically your shoulders and triceps. Focus on maintaining proper form throughout.

Exercise 2: Swing Squat

For the “swing squat” exercise:
– Widen your stance slightly.
– Cast the club forward and swing it down.
– Catch the club at the bottom position.
– Keep your arm up at shoulder height with elbows locked out.
– Make sure your shoulder is down and engaged.
– Repeat the swinging motion.

This exercise combines lower body engagement with upper body stability, offering a full-body workout that strengthens your legs, core, and shoulders.

Exercise 3: Flag Press

The “flag press” exercise is performed as follows:
– Start in the order position with a hammer grip.
– Drive the club forward and up away from your body.
– Extend your arm out to the side for added stability.
– Squeeze your shoulder blades together.
– Pull your elbow back to the order position.
– Repeat this motion.

The flag press exercise is an excellent way to enhance shoulder stability while engaging your upper body muscles.

Exercise 4: Clock Squat

The final exercise, “clock squat,” involves the following steps:
– Cast the club out to the side.
– Perform a full 360-degree rotation with the club.
– Catch it on the opposite shoulder.
– Repeat the motion in both directions.

This exercise challenges your coordination and agility while strengthening your core and shoulders.


The Steel Club Workout – Beginner Basics offers a comprehensive and time-efficient way to improve your strength and stability. With just 17 minutes of commitment, you can reap the benefits of this workout, targeting various muscle groups and enhancing your overall fitness.

Always remember to prioritize proper form and technique to maximize the effectiveness of each exercise. Whether you’re a fitness novice or looking for a new challenge, give this steel club workout a try, and you’ll be well on your way to a stronger and more stable you. Enjoy your workout journey!

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