Unleash Your Inner Fighter: Steel Mace Training for MMA

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) demands a combination of strength, endurance, agility, and explosive power. While traditional training methods like sparring, grappling, and striking are essential, supplementing your MMA regimen with unconventional tools and techniques can provide a significant advantage. One such tool gaining recognition in the MMA world is the steel mace. In this post, we’ll delve into how steel mace training can enhance your performance in the cage and on the mats.

Mace Training: A Dynamic Edge for MMA

1. Functional Strength and Core Stability: MMA fighters rely on their core strength for balance, takedowns, and explosive strikes. Steel mace training challenges your core muscles through dynamic movements like mace 360s and steel mace Turkish get-ups. These exercises build functional strength while enhancing core stability, allowing fighters to generate power from their core and transfer it effectively to their movements.

2. Improved Grip Strength: A strong grip is crucial in MMA for controlling opponents, securing submissions, and preventing escapes. Steel mace exercises, such as mace lever presses, require a firm grip to maintain control of the mace’s shifting weight. Regular mace training can significantly boost your grip strength, giving you an advantage in grappling situations.

3. Rotational Power: Many MMA techniques involve rotational power, whether it’s throwing a punch, delivering a kick, or executing a takedown. The steel mace’s unique design and rotational movements mimic these actions, helping fighters develop explosive power and better coordination. Strengthening these movements can lead to more effective striking and grappling techniques.

4. Enhanced Endurance and Cardio Conditioning: MMA bouts are physically demanding, often lasting several rounds. Steel mace training can be incorporated into your conditioning workouts, providing a high-intensity cardio challenge. Circuit training with mace exercises not only builds endurance but also replicates the energy expenditure experienced in the cage.

5. Dynamic Range of Motion: Steel mace training encourages a dynamic range of motion, which is beneficial for MMA fighters. Exercises like the mace 10-to-2 and shoulder dislocates increase shoulder mobility, allowing for better flexibility during submissions and avoiding injuries from overextension. Enhanced mobility is also advantageous for swift transitions between striking and grappling.

6. Mental Toughness and Focus: MMA requires not only physical prowess but also mental toughness. Steel mace training can be mentally demanding, as you need to stay focused and maintain control of the mace throughout its movements. This mental discipline can help fighters develop better concentration, resilience, and composure during fights.

7. Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation: The nature of MMA often leads to injuries. Steel mace training can play a role in both injury prevention and rehabilitation. It strengthens the shoulders, which are prone to injury in MMA, and can be used as part of a recovery plan for fighters looking to regain strength after injuries.

Integrating Steel Mace Training into Your MMA Routine

1. Warm-Up: Begin your MMA training session with a dynamic warm-up that includes mace exercises to activate the core and shoulders. Movements like the mace 360 can serve as an excellent warm-up exercise.

2. Specific Training Days: Dedicate specific training days to steel mace exercises to avoid overtraining. Incorporate mace work into your strength and conditioning routine, focusing on functional movements.

3. Supplemental Work: Use the steel mace as a supplemental training tool, especially during fight camp preparations. Tailor your mace workouts to target areas that need improvement in your MMA game.

4. Cross-Training: Combine steel mace training with other forms of unconventional training, such as kettlebells, battle ropes, and plyometrics, to keep your workouts varied and engaging.

5. Consult a Coach: If you’re new to steel mace training, consider working with a qualified coach who can teach you proper techniques and design a training plan tailored to your MMA goals.


Steel mace training is a versatile and effective addition to the toolkit of MMA fighters. It offers benefits such as functional strength, core stability, improved grip strength, rotational power, endurance, enhanced range of motion, mental toughness, and injury prevention. By incorporating steel mace training into your MMA regimen, you can gain a competitive edge in the cage or on the mats. Whether you’re an amateur looking to elevate your game or a seasoned pro seeking a fresh challenge, the steel mace can help you unleash your inner fighter and achieve peak performance in MMA.

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